Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Reactive Attachment Disorder - 4031 Words

A Research on Reactive Attachment Disorder of Early Childhood Yolanda Ashton Liberty University Abstract This paper explores the psychological disorder known as Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD). It will investigate how a child diagnosed with RAD will have an inefficient connection with his or her caregiver during an early age. RAD is considered a serious disorder which affects infant and young children who have difficulties establishing healthy relationship with their caregiver or parents. The flawed relationship will affect the child’s ability to establish normal affiliation with other human being. Thus, a child’s rapport was a major determinant in the etiology of†¦show more content†¦129). Corbin (2007) cited that â€Å"The disorder is assumed to be the result of pathological parenting and often associated with developmental delays and childhood neglect† (p. 540). The DSM – IV – TR indicated that â€Å"laboratory findings consistent with malnutrition may be present† (APA, p. 128) and physical findings might be associated with medic al conditions in connection with extreme neglect that may include but not limited to delay in physical growth, evidence of physical abuse, malnutrition, vitamin deficiencies, or infectious diseases (APA, p. 128). The DSM – IV – TR (APA, 2000) described two subtypes of the disorder which was identified to be caused by pathogenic care as evidenced by persistent disregard of the child’s emotional and physical needs (Corbin, 2007, p. 540). The subtypes are: Inhibited Type – the child persistently fails to initiate and to respond to most social interactions in a developmentally appropriate way. The child shows a pattern of excessively inhibited, hyper-vigilant, or highly ambivalent responses (e.g., frozen watchfulness, resistance to comfort, or a mixture of approach and avoidance). Disinhibited Type – there is a pattern of diffuse choice of attachment. The disturbance is not accounted for solely by developmental delay (e.g., as in Mental Retardation) a nd does not meet criteria for Pervasive Developmental Disorder. (pp.127-128) Risk factors According to the studies done by Mayo ClinicShow MoreRelatedReactive Attachment Disorder1502 Words   |  7 PagesReactive Attachment Disorder What are the consequences when children are not given the love, a sense of safety, and care they need? While some of the behaviors of Reactive Attachment Disorder has been noted as far back as the mid-20th century (Fox and Zeanah 32), and was not even introduced as a disorder until 1980 in the 3rd edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Gleason and Zeanah 207). Children have been exhibiting the symptoms of Reactive Attachment Disorder longRead MoreReactive Attachment Disorder1797 Words   |  8 Pages Reactive Attachment Disorder is a common infancy/early childhood disorder. Reactive attachment disorder is located under the trauma- and stressors-related disorder section of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), Fifth Edition. It is normally diagnosed when an infant or child experience expresses a minimal attachment to a figure for nurturance, comfort, support, and protection. Although children diagnosed with reactive att achment disorder have the ability to selectRead MoreReactive Attachment Disorder ( Rad ) Essay1351 Words   |  6 PagesReactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) was first introduced just over 20 years ago, with the publication of DSM-III (American Psychiatric Association, 1980). In the DSM-IV. The disorder is defined by aberrant social behavior that appears in early childhood and is evident cross contextually(1994). The disorder describes aberrant social behaviors in young children that are believed to derive from being reared in caregiving environments lacking species-typical nurturance and stimulation, such as in instancesRead MoreReactive Attachment Disorder Of Children1512 Words   |  7 PagesReactive Attachment Disorder in Children Introduction to the Diagnosis According to Bowlby, the founder of attachment theory, a dependable, safe, and caring relationship with a primary caregiver is vital to an infant’s psychological health (Bowlby, 1951). In particular, children lacking a secure attachment with their primary caregivers are at risk of developing emotional and behavioral issues (Blakely Dziadosz, 2015). 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The inhibited type and the disinhibited type (Rhodes, 2016). The inhibited type is â€Å"emotionally withdrawn† (Roberds Davis, 2011). They do not initiate social relations or respond developmentally appropriately. The disinhibited type couldRead MoreA Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Foster Care And Institutional Care For Children With Signs Of Reactive Attachment Disorder884 Words   |  4 Pages(CCAI, 2012). Can these children developmental need be meet in institutions and enable children to make sucker attachments? The American Journal of Psychiatry’s article â€Å"A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Foster Care and Institutional Care for Children With Signs of Reactive Attachment Disorder† examines signs of emotionally withdrawn and indiscriminately social reactive attachment disorder in three groups of young Romanian children that were abandoned by their parents. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Critical Analysis Paper - 781 Words

Chulin Deng BA 3103 Critical Analysis Paper 1 According to the article â€Å"BlackBerry Posts Loss as Phones Go Unsold†, BlackBerry performs a poor performance. Business has a quarterly loss in 2013 for $965 million. The revenue had drop 45% that down to $1.57 billion from $2.86 billion compares with a year earlier. BlackBerry lost $248 million, or 47 cents a share, and analysts forecast 49 cents a share loss for the quarter ended August 31. The net loss is $235 million which excluding inventory charge and restructuring charges in the latest quarter. The cash position also down to $2.6 billion from $3.1 billion at quarter-end. Smartphone maker report a hefty operating loss of nearly $1 billion charge on inventory of unsold phones.†¦show more content†¦Joseph Palenchar (2013) noted that â€Å"the old days saw BlackBerry’s market share in global smartphone shipments peak in 2009 at 20% and fall to 5% in 2012, marking the company’s lowest level since 2003.† (para. 3) â€Å"Increase the chance s that BlackBerry can regain some of its lost market share during the make-or-break year of 2013† (para. 9) Revenue is declining because the market is becoming smaller. With Apple, Samsung’s products are growing deeply in customers’ impression, BlackBerry is standing in the behind position compare with those two brands. BlackBerry is not enough strong to attract those Apple and Samsung’s customers to choose its products even they produce the new products. A poor financial performance reflects BlackBerry Company is going down. In the article of â€Å"Company Overview†, the author stated a SWOT analysis of BlackBerry. In the weaknesses of company, the author described the revenues decreased primarily due to lower shipment volumes and lower average selling prices of hardware products. The company’s revenues declined from $19,907 million in FY2011 to $11,073 million in FY 2013. (p.6) Continuous decline impacts the company’s profits and mar gins. In 2013, RIM recorded the operating loss of $1,235 million compared with operation profit of $1,497 million and $4,636 million in 2012 and 2011. It also suffers a decline in the cash position which from $4,009Show MoreRelatedCritical Analysis Paper On Nursing1442 Words   |  6 PagesCritical Reflective Analysis Paper The purpose of this paper is to reflect upon my original definition of nursing metaparadigm concepts critically, and to determine if any changes in my perception towards practice have occurred. The focus of the paper is to critically analyze the transformations that have occurred in my approach to practice. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Would You Recommend a Friend to Our Hospital Free Essays

Running head: WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 1 David M. Dowling Operations Management I Southwestern College 20 January 2011 Week 3 – The Culture Quality at Arnold Palmer Hospital Running head: WOULD YOU RECOMMENT A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 2 Abstract In this paper I will demonstrate the importance of instilling a culture of quality in employees and why it’s essential to establish a concise mission statement, code of ethics, procedures and processes that employees can utilize in order to carry out the hospitals philosophy and mission. I will also show what systems and processes I would set up in a new hospital to achieve a culture of quality in a hospital. We will write a custom essay sample on Would You Recommend a Friend to Our Hospital or any similar topic only for you Order Now The paper will also show some of the processes that the Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Florida uses to achieve such a high success rate in customer satisfaction. The bottom line of this paper is that it’s easy to claim or make the statement that a hospital provides a quality service. It’s another thing to deliver. Learned and established techniques from this text will help an operations manager achieve the desired goal for establishing an environment of quality, excellence and profitability. Running head: WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 3 INTRODUCTION My Name is Dave Dowling and I am a new employee at the Arnold Palmer Hospital in Orlando, Florida. After graduating from Southwestern College I was looking for a company that I could exercise my new talents as an Operations Management graduate. I was drawn to Arnold Palmer Hospital because of their dynamic structure and their compassion and care for children. First I would like to give you a little background on the Arnold Palmer Hospital and why it is such an appealing place to work. It was founded in 1989, the Arnold Palmer Hospital (A. P. H. is sanctuary of hope and healing for many sick children. It has grown to be one of the largest women’s and children’s hospitals in the United States. A. P. H. is a top level 1 children’s trauma facility. The hospital provides tangible services such as neonatal and pediatric intensive care services, pediatric oncology and cardiology. It also provides specialized service such as care for high risk pregnancies and maternal intensive care. The hospital is very proud of its new multi building facility that covers 676,000 square feet and houses some of the finest advanced state of the art medical equipment on the market today. This awesome facility houses 2,000 of the most compassionate and dedicated doctors, nurses and administrators found in any hospital in the United States. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 4 As part of the management team I was introduced to many of the processes that have been put into place at A. P. H. They have built a culture of quality that is focused on the patient and their family. The mantra at A. P. H. is â€Å"Quality is not just taking care of the patient, but also taking care of the family†. Why is it important for Arnold Palmer Hospital to get patient assessment of health care quality. Does the patient have the expertise to judge the health care he or she receives? In order to feel the pulse of the hospital and truly be able to assess what services need to be added, deleted or modified. Administrators need to know how patients truly feel about the experience they had at the Arnold Palmer Hospital. A powerful tool that A. P. H. has been using is the comprehensive survey that captures a patient’s honest assessment on their experience. Administrators review the assessments on a daily basis. This tool will allow administrators, doctors, nurses and employees adjust processes to provide patients better services. If patients and families are unhappy about treatment, facilities, parking, finding their way around the hospital, the management and hospital administrators need to know. They need to know on a daily basis. The executive staff level at A. P. H. review assessments as they are loaded into the executive dash board on a daily basis. They look at four quadrants of the hospital operation. Services, Quality, Human Resources and Finances. The results of the survey’s allow corporate officers to move assets, resources , personnel and changes to that functional areas that need the change. The results can help hospitals learn how to treat patients the way they expect to be treated. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 5 Addressing the question, Do patients have the expertise to judge the health care he or she receives. According to (Drain, 2010) â€Å"Patients do judge the quality of clinical care they receive. However, they base their judgments on far more than the technical interventions, many of which they are unaware. The sweeping overhaul of the U. S. health care system likely will result in increased patient volumes for hospitals and medical practices. As the nation moves toward value-based purchasing, patient satisfaction will become an increasingly important measure of quality. In a 2009 HealthLeaders Media survey, nearly a third of health care executives said that the patient experience was their top priority; another 55% said that it was in their top five. All reported that patient experience would be a priority in five years. In a 2004 study of five clinical conditions, two dimensions of patient-centered care stood out: emotional support and respect for patients’ values, preferences and expressed needs. Simply, put, providing support and involving patients in decision making are associated with better outcomes. Good communication between patients and care providers drives positive patient experiences and compliance, which lead to positive outcomes. Patient satisfaction is not about making patients â€Å"happy†; it is about improving the patient’s experience to facilitate health and medical outcomes. When patients are satisfied, trust is enhanced. When patients trust their physician, they are more likely to disclose information, follow advice and adhere to treatment plans†. It is very difficult to answer this question, regardless if you feel that people have the expertise to judge physicians and hospital on the care they receive or not. One must keep in mind that most people just want to feel that they are receiving the best medical care possible and they want to be informed and feel that they are cared for and have a clear roadmap on what is going on with their treatment. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 6 How would you build a culture of quality in an organization such as Arnold Palmer Hospital? As an operations manager I would break down my plan to develop a culture of quality into three categories, management, personnel and facilities. In order to properly take an organization to â€Å"A Culture of Quality† It is important develop a plan at the management level first. The first step is to establish a code of ethics, mission statement and leadership philosophy for management and first line supervisors. Although Arnold Palmer Hospital empowers all employees to make decisions. A foundation of standards needs to be established in writing as a source document for all employees from the top down. This will make it very clear that there is specific behavior that is expected from every employee from the CEO to food service. The next step I would take is to establish a mission for the hospital. The goal is to provide quality health care and make the patient experience as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Establish with every employee that each patient is an individual and must be respected as a person. People and families tend to not be themselves when they are sick. Every employee needs to rise above their own feelings and focus on why they are in the health care business. Establish in the minds of employees that every patient has the right to comprehensive, compassionate family centered health care service. Every patient and family has a right to be heard with the concerns they have about the care they or their family member is receiving. I would establish a patient bill of rights in order to serve as a guideline for employees to follow and understand. Once rules and policy is established I would then implement and put into place the following processes in order to give our employees the means and tools to carry out the desired missions of the hospital board of directors and administrators. WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 7 The first step is to establish a department that will construct a comprehensive survey the patients can fill out in order to capture what their experience was like at the hospital. I would then have the department establish an executive web site that this department can post reports, flowcharts, checksheets, Scatter Diagrams, cause and effect diagrams and various statistical reports. This will allow leaders at all levels see what patients like and dislike about their experience. This will allow top levels of management properly direct what processes need improvement and change and what assets need to be re-directed to those weak functional areas or processes. In order to ensure that your employees are on board with the hospital philosophy rules and policy must be established to empower employees to make decisions without being promoted to act. And work everyday with the goal of continually striving to improve processes and their specific job duties. I would also establish process improvement teams by department. These are the teams that ensure that data is being captured as problems arise with processes or employees and also reacting to customer surveys and tackle what patients see as a problem. And finally I would establish some type of awards program that would reward employees for making the effort of making our hospital a better place to work and a place the patients feel at ease with getting well. As mentioned in the prior paragraphs, I would establish a training program that will instill the culture of quality in every employee. Encourage them to own it and live it. To continually strive to improve processes and that there is always room for improvement. I would also instill that communication is key. Ensure that employees understand that keeping customers informed WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 8 is the number one priority. If you don’t have the answer, you will find someone who has the answer. The facility and equipement is also a very important concern when establishing a culture of quality within your hospital. As an operations manager you must ensure that the hospital has the best quality and up to date state of the art facilities and equipment that you budget will allow. Continually work with doctors, nurses, technicians and staff to ensure that operations is doing everything it can to ensure that processes are properly equipped and that patient rooms, surgical rooms and all facets of the facility are properly supplied, illuminated, marked, and safe. The bottom line is that you need facilities that are state of the art facilities, processes that provide quality healthcare, programs and measures that capture the patients like and dislike about your hospital. But most of all you need to mentor your employees about all the task that need to be accomplished in order to achieve â€Å"a culture of quality†. Constant analysis and caring employees is what make this happen. What techniques does Arnold Palmer Hospital practice in its drive for quality and continuous improvement? The number one technique that A. P. H. utilizes is their comprehensive surveys. Patient survey capture the customer’s assessment’s of there experience in the hospital. These survey’s will assess customers expectations of the medical services that the hospital is offering. This survey will be in-depth and will ask a wide variety of questions from the quality of food, staff, accommodations and medical treatment. The most important question is â€Å"Would you recommend A. P. H. to your friends? † Once the surveys are done they are posted they are posted on the WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 9 executive Dash Board which allows continuous monitoring of the problems and the measures the hospital staff are taking to correct the problems. It is important for key leadership and senior administrators to review survey each and every day in order to keep their pulse on the climate of the hospital and its patients. The survey asks specific questions such as respect, access, quality of care and medical staff, was the care coordinated, were you given a thorough explanation of your condition and follow on care. This information will assist employee, supervisors and administrators refine processes to improve the quality that is provided to patients. The new measure are pushed down to the individual department levels to ensure changes are made were the problems exist. A. P. H. management will also take these assessments and compare the against a national benchmark comparison in order to provide the best health care possible. Data is available on how other hospital might handle a similar issue or chanllenge. As mentioned prior, The A. P. H. executive dashboard is a crucial tool in assessing customers opinions about their experience at A. P. H. In order to truly know were we really stand with customers we must capture extremely accurate information on how our patients and their families fell about the care that we have provided. It doesn’t matter what we think, The only opionion that truly counts is the patients and their family. Another method is benchmarking. Benchmarking in order to ensure that standards are set in order to establish and maintain specific standards in the specific medical services that it will offer its customers. The specific services that they focus on are pediatric and neonatal intensive care, pediatric oncology, labor and delivery and care for high risk pregnancies. As mentioned prior, the business of caring for people is the business of having highly trained physicians and WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 10 state of the art equipment. This is your service. If you fail to contiunually update processes and benchmark. You will not survive, patients will simply go to better hospitals. Without benchmarking quality of service could slip causing customer dissatisfaction. Another interesting and unique technique that A. P. H. uses is giving senior leadership cell phone and they can monitor and get directly involved with patients and families if there are significant challenges or patients are unhappy or concerned about the service they are receiving. The senior management has taken call on the most trivial issues. The unique part of this story is they don’t see these small issues as trivial. This is probably why they rank so high nationwide in customer satisfaction. The hospital also uses various charts. I will briefly discuss the uses of each. The flow charts Pareto charts are used to give staff and personnel a quick overview of what is happening in the hospital and nationwide. The Pareto charts also focus on critical items and leave less important issues off. This is a good chart to find out what the major problems are. Benchmarking is critical in showing where opportunities exist for improvement. Develop a fish-bone diagram illustrating the quality variables for a patient who just gave birth at A. P. H. Another tool that can be used by operations managers is cause and affect diagram or fish-bone chart. This can assist department heads such as those who are in charge of a post natal unit in a hospital. This chart can help doctors, pediatricians and pediatric nurses take care of mom and baby in a more efficient manner. It chart will identify potential causes to problems that that may have occurred in the past. Knowing what causes problems will give employees the ability to WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 11 identify these problems. These charts should be updated as new problems arise and new equipment is introduced to the post labor or neo natal units. Charts like these help us document mistakes and learn from others . Below is a chart I developed to help the nurses and doctors identify potential causes of the most common post natal problems that hinder quality care for mom and baby. Material: Quality rooms designed for post natal patients PATIENTS HAVING TO ENDURE CRAMPED ROOMS COMPLAINTS ABOUT OLD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES Method: Processes classes to prepare parents to go home SPECIAL DESIGNED ROOMS ROOMS THAT ACCOMMODATE MOM BABY WELL LIGHTED ROOMSBASIC INFANT CARE CLASSE POOR PARENTING SKILLS ACCOMODATIONS FOR LONG TERM STAYSMOMS MEETING MOMS CLASSENO SUPPORT QUALITY MEDICAL SUPPLIESBIG BROTHER BIG SISTER CLASSESKIDS NOT COPINGPARENTAL BREASTFEEDING CLASS NOT UNDERSTANDING EDUCATED PARENT PREPARED TO TAKE BABY HOME Hospital cant provide care because lack of state of the art equipment NEONATOLOGISTINEXPERIENCEDPEDIATRIC EMERGENCY UNIT PEDIATRIC NURSESLACK OF SPECIAL SKILLSPEDIATRICS INENSIVE CARE UNIT PEDIATRIC SPECIALISTSNICU CANT DEAL WITH NICU UNITS Manpower: Quality Doctors, Nurses and specialists Machine: State of the art equipment Services EMERGENCIESPEDIATRIC INPATIENT UNIT WOULD YOU RECOMMEND A FRIEND TO OUR HOSPITAL? 12 REFERENCES 1. Drain, M. , MA. (2010). How patient satifaction correlates with clinical quality, Retrieved from http://www. pressganey. com/improvinghealthcare /improvingHCBlog/blogPost/10-04-12/How_Patient_Satisfaction_Correlates_With_ Clinical_Quality. aspx How to cite Would You Recommend a Friend to Our Hospital, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Legend of King Arthur-Free-Samples for Students-Myassignment

Question: Write an Essay about King Arthur in Geoffrey of Monmouth and Wace. Answer: Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but had by the will of our Lord Jesu into another place; and men say that he shall come again, and he shall win the holy cross. The above quoted lines of Thomas Malory from his famous literary work Le Morte d'Arthur clearly indicates the myth associated with the legend of King Arthur. It is to be noted that the various literary sources gives varied interpretations of the legend of King Arthur (Tolhurst 10-54). Therefore, the legend as well as the actual facts related to this particular king of England has been shrouded in mystery for a long time (Pace 24:45-78). In the absence of any reliable source the various historians as well as the scholars depend on the various literary texts for the interpretation of the life as well as the incidents related to the life and the reign of this great king of England (Bbc.co.uk). This essay intends to give an overview of the legend of King Arthur on the basis of the sources provided by Geoffrey of Monmouth and Wace. The reign of King Arthur is generally attributed to the 5th and 6th AD as per the records of the metrical romances and the historical texts (Duckett 1-30). It is to be noted that he is famous in the historical cannon of England for leading the successful defense of England against the Saxon invaders in the Battle of Bath and also the successful defense of England against the Scots (Duckett 1-30). His reign also finds detailed description in the famous works of that period like Annales Cambriae, the Historia Brittonum, and the writings of Gildas and also in poetical works like Y Gododdin (Duckett 1-30). In addition to his successful defense of the nation of England from the invaders of Saxon he is also reputed for his contribution towards the genre of arts and literature. It is to be noted that learning was significantly revived during his reign and he even went to extent of rewarding the monks and other scholars who would bring rare manuscripts to his court (Ashe 10-54). In addition to this, he is also famous for noted for his encouragement to learning and the foundation of various monasteries and nunneries. However, it is significant to note that all the historical accounts as well as the literary texts do not agree on the same point and therefore there is a discrepancy as regards the details and the activities of his reign. Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Welsh bishop gives a fleeting account of this particular legendary hero of England in his famous work History of the Kings of Britain (Ashe 10-54). It is to be noted that many of the present day historians as well as scholars think that the work of Geoffrey was based on the legends which he heard from the various sources and that in some cases he used his imagination to fill in the gaps between the various events. Geoffrey gives a detailed description of Arthur since his birth as the son of Uther Pendragon (Molchan 5-25). According to Geoffrey he becomes the king of England at the age of 15 and rules peacefully from his court at Caerleon for almost 12 years (Molchan 5-25). However, it is significant to note that the major part of the account of Geoffrey deals with the various battle of King Arthur. His account includes an overview of Bedivere and Kay, the former as Duke of Normandy and Arthur's right-hand man and the latter as one of the king's brave knights (Lacy 10-43). It is significant to note that Morgan Le Fay also finds representation in the account of Geoffrey (Lacy 10-43). Morgan Le Fay is described as the representative member of the group of nine women who guard the Isle of Avalon (Lacy 10-43). In this particular work, Morgan is described as a benign enchantress however in other works of the same period Morgan finds representation as a benevolent enchantress. This particular work of Geoffrey also gives a pertinent account of Caliburn, the mythical sword of Arthur. Many scholars believe that Geoffrey derived the name of the sword from the various Welsh legends and tales of mythical swords like Caladbolg (Lacy 10-43). According to the account of Goeffrey, the sword was forged at the Isle of Avalon or more popularly the Isle of Apples. It is to be noted that the major discrepancy between the text of Geoffrey and other literary texts belonging to this particular period lies in the description of the final battle of Camlann. It i s to be noted that according to the work of Geoffrey, Modred, the nephew of Arthur dies at this particular battle and Arthur, on the other seriously wounded and carried off the Isle of Avalon by Morgan (Thorpe 7-43). It is significant to note that this particular work states that Arthur is wounded and not dead and thereby prolongs the myth that Arthur is still living and protecting the nation of England. Another significant feature of this particular literary text is the description of the Round Table Conference and the nine knights of the court of King Arthur (Thorpe 7-43). The account of Wace, on the other hand, is another literary account which provides an account of the reign as well as the various activities of King Arthur. It is significant to note that the French scholar Wace was impressed by the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth and he decided to write his own account of the book and called it Roman de Brut (Pearcy 12). It is with the work of Wace that the romantic interpretation of the reign as well as the times of King Arthur began (Pearcy 12). Therefore, with this particular interest he gives a detailed description of the Round Table Conference of the nine knights of the court of King Arthur. He describes the gathering of the knights in the following words- "For the noble barons he had, of whom each felt that he was superioreach one believed himself to be the best, and noone could tell the worst King Arthur, of whom the Britons tell many stories, established the Round Table. There sat the vassals, all of them at the tablehead, and all equal. They w ere placed at the table as equals. None of them could boast that he was seated higher than his peer" (The British Library). It is significant to note that the work of Wace does not say that King Arthur sat at the round table. On the contrary, the work states that Arthur sat on a dais much higher than the table of the knights. This particular work of Wace traces the history of England from its founding by the legendary Brutus the Trojan (The British Library). The work also incorporates the various events of the reign of King Arthur and the activities of the knights of the Round Table. The work of Wace further extends the mystery with which the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth ends in lines likes "And will ye no come back again ? Better loed ye canna be : He is yet in Avalon, awaited of the Britons, for they say and deem he will return from whence he went and live again" (Legendofkingarthur.co.uk). It is interesting to note that his work of Wace is one of the rare ones which raise doubt a bout the survival of King Arthur after the battle of Camlann. In the opinion of Wace, Men have ever doubted, and as I am persuaded, will ever doubt, whether he liveth or is dead..To Constantine, Cadors son, Earl of Cornwall and his near kin..The earl took the land to his keeping. He held it as bidden, but nevertheless Arthur came never again (Legendofkingarthur.co.uk). Therefore, it would not be too far-fetched to say that the work of Wace tries to demystify the myth which the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth created in his work. However, still there is a kind of obscurity which centers round the reign of King Arthur and his life. In the absence of any significant and accurate record the various scholars and historians therefore take either the account of Wace or the account of Geoffrey of Monmouth as the authentic one and vice versa. There are various points of similarities as well as differences between the literary works of Geoffrey of Monmouth and that of Wace related to the reign of King Arthur. It is significant to note that both the works provides a pertinent account of the reign of King Arthur and his Round Table along with the nine knights of his court. As a matter of fact, the work of Wace is often seen as a paraphrase of the work of Geoffrey of Monmouth. However, the differences between the two works are also very significant. The primary difference between the two works lie in the way they interpret the end of the reign of King Arthur. The work of Geoffrey states that after the final battle King Arthur is seriously wounded and carried off to the Isle of Avalon but is still alive. However, the work of Wace and the author himself serious doubts about the existence of King Arthur after the final battle and considers that Arthur died in that battle and is not going to return. Furthermore, the work of Geoff rey seeks to provide a historical account of the reign of King Arthur through the various legends and myths. However, the work of Wace, on the other hand, seeks to romanticize the life as well as the reign of King Arthur. It is significant to note that the romantic interpretation of the reign as well as the life of King Arthur began after this particular work of Wace. Therefore, from the above discussion it becomes clear that although King Arthur was one of the greatest kings of England and successfully defended the nation of England against the attack of various invaders like the Saxons and the Scots yet no single literary or historical work provides a detailed and authentic account of his reign. Therefore, the various scholars as well as the historians often rely on the various literary as well as the semi-historical texts of that particular period for detailed information about the reign of King Arthur. The works of Geoffrey of Monmouth and Wace are two such works on which the historians as well as the various scholars depend for a credible account of the reign of King Arthur. However, it is significant to note that although there are several points of similarities between the two works however the differences between the two works are also significant. It is precisely this difference in the information provided by the two works about the reign of King Arthur which gives rise to the myth that centers round the reign of King Arthur. References "BBC Wales - History - Themes - Geoffrey Of Monmouth."Bbc.co.uk. N.p., 2018. Web. 30 Mar. 2018. "Geoffrey Of Monmouth."Legendofkingarthur.co.uk. N.p., 2018. Web. 30 Mar. 2018. "The Legends Of King Arthur."The British Library. N.p., 2018. Web. 30 Mar. 2018. Ashe, Laura, ed.Early Fiction in England: From Geoffrey of Monmouth to Chaucer. Penguin UK, 2015. Duckett, Eleanor Shipley.Alfred the Great: The King and His England. University of Chicago Press, 2014. Lacy, Norris J., et al., eds.The New Arthurian Encyclopedia: New Edition. Routledge, 2013. Molchan, George Gregory. "Translating Arthur: the Historia regum Brittanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth and Roman de Brut of Wace." (2013). Pace, Edwin. "Geoffrey of Monmouth's Sources for the Cador and Camblan Narratives."Arthuriana24.3 (2014): 45-78. Pearcy, Roy J. "Chaucer, Deschamps, and Le Roman de Brut."Arts: The Journal of the Sydney University Arts Association12 (2012). Thorpe, Lewis.The history of the kings of Britain. Penguin UK, 2015. Tolhurst, Fiona.Geoffrey of Monmouth and the translation of female kingship. Springer, 2013.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Reasons for the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants Essay Example

Reasons for the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants Paper Causes of Fast-Food Restaurants Popularity In the United States, the popularity of fast food restaurants is growing every day. Nowadays people can buy a whole meal in those restaurants for just three dollars. The fast food restaurants have been considered to have poor health benefits on the people who consume it regularly. American people consider that fast food restaurants make their life easy and uncomplicated. The popularity of this type of restaurants is increasing because of two main causes; low cost and fast service. One of the most important causes is the low cost. The fast food restaurants offer many different meals at very low prices, which make thousands of families in the United States to choose this type of restaurants as their best option. The most popular fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, Burger King and KFC offer kid menus, special limited offers and games that keep their costumer very happy and comfortable with their menu options. The fast food restaurant can be enjoyed by people of all ages who love junk food. The second cause is the fast service. Thousands of people don’t have time to cook at home because they have many things to do at the same time. For example; most women in the United States have to get up very early in the morning to prepare their children for school, among others things. They divide their time between their jobs and their responsibilities as wives and mothers. We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons for the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons for the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Reasons for the Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer > The fast food restaurants have become their best option at the time to take a breakfast or lunch to go. This type of restaurant offers a quick service which is very convenient for their busy lives. The fast food restaurant is a very good option if it is not eaten frequently. Low cost and fast service make those restaurants improve their service every day. In my opinion, I like the fast food restaurants, but my advice for everyone is to visit this kind restaurant with moderation.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Embodiment Of Self Conflict Between Extremes English Literature Essay Essay Example

Embodiment Of Self Conflict Between Extremes English Literature Essay Essay Example Embodiment Of Self Conflict Between Extremes English Literature Essay Essay Embodiment Of Self Conflict Between Extremes English Literature Essay Essay makes her joke even funnier. The complexness of Wetty s merriment here is heightened by our acknowledging Grandma Ponder s function. When Edna Earle says that her grandparents were equally matched ( PH 44 ) , the metaphor that is every bit applicable to value battles and to monetary values of tartan or squads of animate beings conveys both the struggle and the dynamic harmoniousness of their relationship, a harmoniousness that comes from the tenseness between antonyms, non from the conquering of one antonym by the other. Grandma s forte was coconut bar ( Sweets made for sharing ) , non lightning rods, which she neer could stand ( PH 118 ) . While about every bit smart as Grandpa, Grandma loved people ( being in the midst of things ) every bit good ( PH 67 ) . She was, so, Edna Earle s predecessor as a uniter of extremes. And her topographic point was the Beulah hotel. The name Beulah absolutely evokes the thought of harmoniously linked antonyms, connoting as it does the brotherhood of the earthly and the celestial. In spirituals Beulah land was another word for Eden ; in Pilgrim s Advancement it was the heavenly ante-chamber, but in the Old Testament it was merely a name for the earthly Israel or Jerusalem, literally intending married ( to God ) . The Beulah Hotel is the symbol of the matrimony of antonyms, seen foremost in Grandma and so in Edna Earle, the Beulah s present proprietor: non the beatific flawlessness of Uncle Daniel or the dark, even comically diabolic misanthropy of Grandpa but, but the best that worlds can trust for. This cosmic, secular Eden sits right in the bosom of clay ( PH 13 ) the perfect name for the state and for the Beulah s place at the symbolic bosom of clay-made world. It is one of Wetty s many points of intersection between the higher and lower kingdoms, threatened invariably by both, unfastened ever to energy from either. In the Beulah Hotel, life goes on all sides ( PH 66 ) . Grandpa, nevertheless, preferable life to come at him from one side merely. Plato, the Stoics, Descartes, even Freud might hold commended Grandpa as one in whom Reason ruled as the imperial governor. Jung would probably hold judged that he suffered from dictatorship of the left hemisphere. Wetty signals her understanding with the latter opinion by doing Grandpa comedian in his stiff attachment to one portion of the truth as if it were the whole. He is amusing, non evil, of class, loving his boy plenty to convey him to town each Saturday in malice of his ain hate of society, praying over Daniel for old ages before perpetrating him to Jackson. He merely is wholly baffled by Daniel, because each lives at a different pole of the human universe. A muser worthy of his household name, Grandpa s concern is the kingdom of ground ( PH 14 ) . His attack to people is as mathematical ( he wants them to mensurate up ( PH 8 ) ) as his pick of interests ( dominoes, that game of add-on ) . While Edna Earle delectations in Uncle Daniel s exuberant narratives of life in the refuge, declaring, It did nt count if you did nt cognize the people ( PH 16 ) , Grandpa s response is that of the rational newsman hungry merely for facts: Who? -What, Daniel? -When? ( PH 17 ) . Even in affairs of the bosom, Grandpa is all head. An anti-Eros, he sounds a batch like a amusing version of Miss Sabina of Wetty s Asphodel : Grandpa would be a batch more willing to stalk up on a nuptials and halt it, than to promote one to travel on, yours, mine, or the Queen of Sheba s ( PH 26 ) . When he decides that Uncle Daniel should get married, it is non a grant to love or to passion, but presumptively to smother his boy s feelings and command his developing involvement in the other sex, demonstrated in Daniel s attractive force to the misss in the Escapade side-show, with their come-on dance ( PH 23 ) . Then merely after debating does Grandpa come to ( the ) decision that he will hold to fork up a good married woman ( PH 24 ) . ( That the married woman turns out to be Teacake Magee completes the nice gastronomic objectification ) . However, even that strategy does nt win in commanding Daniel-and, like the Freudian Superego, Grandpa is obsessed with the demand for control, particularly control of forces that slap of the undisciplined Id. Underscoring the appendage of Grandpa s response, Edna Earle says that he goes excessively far with subject ( PH 36 ) . Using the linguistic communication of the sensible school maestro, Sam Ponder puts his boy in the insane asylum- to learn ( him ) a lesson ( PH 14 ) . Grandpa s impermanent parturiency, because of misguided individuality, in the same refuge ( reserved for those non able to work in society ) implies the failing of both Grandpa s and Uncle Daniel s relation tot he universe. On the twenty-four hours Grandpa is led off into the refuge, go forthing ground temporarily in suspension, Uncle Daniel marries Bonnie Dee Peacock. Learning of the matrimony, Grandpa dies non because of the Ponder bosom ( as Edna Earle originally thinks ) , but, harmonizing to the physician, because of a popped blood vas ( a shot ) ; that is, a failure in his caput. However, both Edna Earle s and Dr. Ewbanks diagnosings were metaphorically right. All Grandpa s rational systems had eventually broken down in the face of Daniel s wholly irrational matrimony to the small clerk he had met at Woolworth s that day-and his bosom had been excessively weak to get by when his head had failed. Edna Earle says it is the Ponder caput that is distinctive- big of class ( PH 11 ) . But she exclaims every bit over the Ponder bosom ( PH 24 ) . The conflict of the extremes is, of class, at work ( for drama ) in these anatomical mentions. While Uncle Daniel s hatsize is tremendous, his mind is pea-sized ; but his bosom is overworked ( rushing ) Dr. Ewbanks says, as he warns Daniel to utilize more opinion around here ( PH 61 ) . In both Grandpa and Uncle Daniel, the Ponder Heart of the rubric is in an unhealthy status, Grandpa s weak from neglect ; Daniel s, from overexploitation. Either utmost, Wetty seems to warn with a smiling, is likely to make one in. The appendage of Daniel s good-heartedness is indicated by his beatific nature. The owner of ageless springs ( PH 8 ) , he is willing to give away everything he owns. However, merely as an angel would be among the readers, he is incapacitated for life on this in-between plane. He must, literally, he housed, fed, barbered, and transported by others. And, like an angel, he has no Gaffic with the stabs of mortality: he hates sickness and decease . He ca nt stay funerals ( PH 41 ) . Having no consciousness of decease, his experience of life is circumscribed. He is excessively pure, excessively unselfconscious, excessively immature -that is, excessively ungrown. He sufferes excessively small. His bosom of gold truly does non learn ordinary worlds really much. This is no Dionysus. That God s colourss were the green and purple of the vine, which does slice and dice, non the saintly and skittish emptiness of Uncle Daniel s white. Indeed, outside of comedy, Daniel would dismay. He has no capacity to move, even in order to acquire back the span whose loss he mourns every eventide in narratives. What he does make, Uncle Daniel seems non to be responsible for. Striking one as non a human force, but as a helter-skelter, supernatural urge, he is every bit unmanageable by others-Grandpa, DeYancey, or the Judge weeping, Order! at his test. Curiously plenty for one who generates such pandemonium, Uncle Daniel has a childlike demand for order-another challenge to the position that Uncle Daniel is the Dionysian advocator of self-generated life against Edna Earle s compulsion with stasis. In its assorted stages, his life follows stiff forms: the hebdomadal trip to town in the old yearss ; so during Bonnie Dee s absence, the rite of the same repast, the same plaint, the same haunted narrative, dark after dark. Like a kid, he expects stability in people every bit good. Both Bonnie Dee s decease and Edna Earle s self-sacrificial prevarication on the informant base ( to salvage him ) he sees as personal treacheries, misdemeanors of the delicate stableness of his being. Uncle Daniel makes the readers uncomfortable, excessively, because he is non in touch with mundane world. The Tom Thumb Wedding of his childhood is every bit existent to him as his matrimonies to Teacake Magee and Bonnie Dee. In fact, his equation of the phantasy nuptials with the existent matrimonies gives one a hint to what makes one most uneasy about him. Since he likes everyone and values every event in his life-equally ( he has a singular fondness for everybody and everything in creative activity , Edna Earle says ( PH 27 ) -he can experience nil with any particular strength. Edna Earle exclaims: He loved being happy! He loved felicity like I love tea ( PH 14 ) . Indeed. Actually, Uncle Daniel, the adult male who is thought to be so full of feeling, trivializes experiencing. Daniel likes Elsie Fleming reasonably much the same as he does Bonnie Dee, and he liked Miss. Teacake, too-he merely could non stay the sound of her bobbin heels on the floor. This sort of emotional equalitarianism might at first seem saintly. However, from the human point of position it is grounds of a individual doomed to lose non merely love s strength, but any existent experience of ego or of other. He can non truly love, because Bonnie Dee is neer a existent individual in his eyes, a being separate from himself. As grounds of how extremes have a manner of meeting in Wetty s universe ( in this instance, by demoing their indispensable similarity ) , Daniel objectifies Bonnie Dee much as Grandpa did Teacake when he decided to fork her over . When Bonnie Dee returns, Daniel crows ; oh, my bride has come back to me. Pretty as a image Edna Earle got her dorsum for me, you all, and Judge Tip Clanahan sewed it up. It s a tribunal order, everybody . She s perched out at that place on the couch boulder clay I get place tonight. I ll embrace her and snog her and I ll give her 25 dollars in her small manus ( PH 62-63 ) . To Uncle Daniel she is ever reasonably as a doll -or a picture-and that is how he treats her. He wants her at place, while he goes off to the Beulah Hotel, looking for an audience for his narratives about her. Merely the individual possessed of a ego can acknowledge the independent selfhood of others. Wetty herself made a similar point in a treatment of the relationship between single and household in Losing Battles. In an interview with Charles T. Bunting, Wetty declared: you ca nt truly conceive of the whole unless you are an individuality. Unless you are really existent in yourself, you do nt cognize what it means to back up others or to fall in with them or to assist them ( 49 ) . Daniel can see others as lone portion of his ain uniform being. He treats Edna Earle every bit liberally as everyone else, giving her the hotel merely as he gave Mr. Springer s brother-in-law s sister a major operation, but in his strategy of things, she exists chiefly for his comfort and protection. He has no sense of what she suffers for him. As Edna Earle says, it would neer happen to him that she has a narrative to state excessively. A farther paradox of Daniel s altruism is that, since he has no independent sense of ego, he can acquire a feeling of selfhood merely from others. From this position, he is perfectly other-directed. When, for illustration, Bonnie Dee s sister, Johnnie Ree, refuses Uncle Daniel s invitation to travel equitation, he merely stood still in the bright Sun, like the bar of ice that was runing at that place that twenty-four hours ( PH 152 ) . When he can non do people happy-by giving off a auto drive, or his love, or a incubator and brooder, or his stories-and see himself in people s joyous reaction to him, he, in consequence, ceases to be. No uncertainty, this demand accounts for his obsessional giveaway at the terminal of the novel: unable to state his narrative, he begins urgently to disperse his money around, trusting to recover the joy and the selfhood that come when he is created afresh in the thankful eyes of the receivers. One of the great sarcasms of The Ponder Heart is the black consequence on the rare juncture when Uncle Daniel assumes the function of grownup. Always mortally afraid of lighting-in fact, this experience of fright is one of his few mortal qualities-Uncle Daniel overcomes his ain fright in order to play creep mousie , trusting to do Bonnie Dee halt weeping in her panic. For one time he is the grownup, titillating the kid. Why should decease be the effect of Daniel s individual grown-up act? possibly it is a reminder of the grownup s inevitable engagement in mortality. Possibly it suggests the ineluctable clutter of cause and consequence, purpose and duty that the mature individual confronts. Possibly, nevertheless, all one can really reason about this episode is best summarized by Edna Earle: May be what s difficult to believe about the truth is who it happens to ( PH 143 ) . It does non look just that this should go on to Uncle Daniel, but there it is. For whatever ground, when Uncle Daniel responds to his married woman s hurt and reaches out from the safety of ain angelic or infantile sanctuary, his program misfires in the worst possible manner. Bonnie Dee dies, and Uncle Daniel retreats one time more into his unmindful ego, neer once more, the readers surmise, to take a opportunity at human hazard and human growing. At Bonnie Dee s funeral one hears his return to the old chorus as he tells Mrs. Peacock that her girl is reasonably as a doll . The fact of Bonnie Dee s decease seems lost on him. Of class, in the rolicking comedy of The Ponder Heart 1 does non blow many cryings on Bonnie Dee, either. One ground Welty can acquire off with killing Bonnie Dee off is that she has neer struck one as being peculiarly alive anyhow. In fact, she is merely about the perfect married woman for Daniel ( after all, she stays married to him for something like seven old ages ) . Like Daniel, she is non to the full human, but for different grounds. In this survey of extremes, Bonnie Dee serves as a male monarch of negative synthesis, missing the dominant qualities of both Grandpa and Uncle Daniel. Certainly none of Grandpa s ground is hers. Bonnie Dee knows how to do alteration and cut hair, but otherwise she does non hold adequate sense to acquire alarmed about. On the other manus ( this sounds like the old gag: she may be stupid, but she certainly is homely ) , she possesses none of Uncle Daniel s afloat feelings for others. On the twenty-four hours of their nuptials, merely a payoff makes her listen to his petition that she acquire out of the auto so he can demo her off. Her decease from bosom failure neatly balances Grandpa s aneurysm. Gladney may good inquire, What makes the bosom fail ? ( PH 108 ) , but one has had intimations of the reply all along-and non merely in her shortness of breath. Wheareas Uncle Daniel gives off, she accumulates a lavation machine, apparels, a telephone that neer rings. things began to pour into that house , Edna Earle says ( PH 67 ) , equilibrating the novel s 2nd paragraph with its run of things [ Uncle Daniel has ] given away ( PH 8 ) . Merely as Uncle Daniel s giving is a mark of his altruism, Bonnie Dee s accretion reveals a similar absence of independent human selfhood. Like Uncle Daniel, excessively, she does nt cognize how to contend ( PH 49 ) , a accomplishment most worlds get early as grounds of a defined sense of ego and of other. Like him, she neer grows, so she neer ages. At her decease she still looks 17, merely as on the twenty-four hours of her matrimony. However, while Uncle Daniel seems cold because he is angelically above the readers, in the overdone imagination of comedy, strikes one as belonging to the kingdom below one. Criticism about ever seems bumbling when it deals with comedy-which should do one aware of its difference from the act it describes. It is of import to remember in analyzing the novel what one can non lose in reading it: that Bonnie Dee is non evil any longer than Grandpa is. She merely neer develops past the phase of a kid playing knuckleboness or dress-up with Narciss. ( Her relationship with the symbolically named Narciss tells us that her self-involvement is every bit complete as Daniel s. Narcsis traveling in the back door of the Beulah while Bonnie Dee and Uncle Daniel go in the forepart completes this spot of double mirrored egotistic imagination ) . Edna Earle makes clear that Bonnie Dee had possible that was non developed when she exclaims about the dead Bonnie Dee: When you saw her at that place, it l ooked like she could hold loved person! ( PH 77 ) . Bonnie Dee s seting in a telephone that neer rings implies an inchoate desire for connexion with others. However, in the amusing imagination of the novel, she remains less than homo. A aggregator of things , she is herself repeatedly described as a small thing, or even less than a thing a pretty screen for void ( her downy xanthous hair reminds Edna Earle of by , holding non a grain beneath ( PH 34 ) . Other images reiterate here deficiency of human qualities: she is a doll and a image ; she has coon eyes. When Dr. Ewbanks pushes back that xanthous fluff, he asks, You do nt intend she s flew the henhouse? , transforming the dead Bonnie Dee Inachis io into the bird that her last name suggests. Like a cat, she yawns all the clip, neer smiling because she did nt cognize how ( PH 42 ) . If the human being is defined as the smiling animate being, Bonnie Dee does nt do the cut-off. When she dies express joying, Edna Earle realizes that her laughter was merely a physiological response, non the consequence of human connection and communicating that a smile represents: I could hold shaken her for it. She d neer laughed for Uncle Daniel before in her life. And even if she had, that s non the same thing as smile ; you may believe it is, but I do nt ( PH 141 ) . That Bonnie Dee dies laughing is, of class, the cardinal gag of the book. To analyse any gag is hazardous concern, but in footings of the subject of the integrity of extremes this episode is worth a closer expression. The inquiry of why titillating green goodss laughter has long stumped scientists and pupils of wit likewise. Arthur Koestler s remarks on babes responses to titillating seem germane to Bonnie Dee s response: [ A kid ] will express joy only-and this is the Southern Cross of the matter-when it perceives titillating as a mock onslaught, a carress in mildly aggressive camouflage. The regulation of the game [ with babes ] is: Let me be merely a small scared so that I can bask the alleviation . Therefore the tickler is portraying an attacker, but at the same time known non to be one ; this is likely the first state of affairs in life which makes the infant live on two planes at one time .. ( 125-26 ) . Possibly it is besides the kid s foretaste of the Janus-faced comedy and horror of life itself. To set it to a great extent, Bonnie Dee shrilling from Uncle Daniel s tickle every bit much as from the thunder-is unable to equilibrate on two planes at one time. She can non see that love can come in the signifier of its evident antonym, aggression. She is incapable of the dual vision that Wetty sees as the footing of a risking, mistaking, turning human life. It is this vision that Edna Earle has-Edna Earle, who is Bonnie Dee s mirror on the side of positive synthesis. Wetty underscores the mirror relationship between Edna Earle and Bonnie Dee when, on Bonnie Dee s decease, Edna Earle runs into the bathroom to acquire ammonium hydroxide for Uncle Daniel: In the bathroom I glanced inthe mirror, to see how I was taking it, and got the fear of my life. Edna Earle, I said, you look every bit old as the hills! It was a different mirror, was the secret-it exaggerated my face by a 1000 times-something Bonnie Dee had sent off for and it had come ( PH 142 ) . Mirrors in art and literature often reveal the ego that a individual, Medusa-like, resists facing. Throughout her narrative, Edna Earle has coyly been stamp downing recognition of her age. For illustration, while she is merely somewhat younger than Uncle Daniel who is up in his 1950ss now ( PH 11 ) she speaks of the verse form she is salvaging to demo her grandchildren and bristles when De Yancey calls her Maam ( PH 59, 110 ) . Sing herself every bit old as the hills is a barbarous hit with world. For the readers, nevertheless, it is grounds of her humanity she does non stand outside of clip as do Bonnie Dee and Uncle Daniel, whose unetched visages tell one that life has barely touched them. Because she genuinely lives-making errors, experiencing choler and defeat, cognizing unrealized love, holding to happen replacements for the love affair she craves her visual aspect shows it. She has earned her face. She has no ageless springs like the 1s. She attributes to Uncle Daniel, but her declaration that she looks every bit old as the hills implies her rugged, earthly strength. The spring she does hold is a really human 1: Mr. Ovid Springer if merely somewhat true to his name, still the frail beginning of her hope for love affair and for a metabolism from the modus operandi of her present life. One feels that deep-down Edna Earle knows that here ground has been dulled by the drug salesman who has courted her all these old ages, but she chooses to hang on anyhow to there dream t hat someday he will suggest. After a manner, she is her ain spring of hope, giving another punning significance to the pool in her name. In Edna Earle, the dominant traits of Grandpa and Uncle Daniel meet, in a really fault-filled, but human manner. She is every bit smart as Grandpa ( when she passed Uncle Daniel in the 7th class, people said she ought to be the instructor ) and at times as scientific in her attack to life, ( she echoes Archimedes Eureka! when she decides that Teacake is the 1 to be forked over to Uncle Daniel ; she Keep [ s ] check on Bonnie Dee s allowance ( PH 25, 134 ) she neatly categorizes people, from the state Dorris Gladney to the nice household which included a liquidator ( PH 80 ) ) . But, in her, Grandpa s capacity for action and Uncle Daniel s for feeling combine. She can account for the hotel with Grandpa s mathematical truth ( twelve sleeping rooms, two bathrooms, two stairwaies, five porches, anteroom, dining room, larder and kitchen . And two Blacks . And that works ) and still be out here looking reasonably , ready to travel siting with Mr. Springer, should he come ruptu ring through town ( PH 10 ) . One of the most of import features of Edna Earle s speculation between the extremes represented by Grandpa and Uncle Daniel is the dynamic quality of that mediation. Edna Earle does non stand for a inactive synthesis: a small spot of ground, a small spot of feeling. The brotherhood of antonyms one finds here is like the energy-generating brotherhood of the positive and negative poles of a magnet or battery-balanced as she is between extremes, Edna Earle has created a life non of peace, but of verve. Although she is really making nil but speaking during the narrative of the novel, one pictures her in action-sailing dorsum and Forth between two places, running rummage gross revenues for African missionaries, feeding the crowds from tribunal and high-way. While Uncle Daniel and Grandpa respond to human multiplicity by disregarding it, giving all their commitment to one portion of human nature, Edna Earle does non seek to extinguish either side of her ego. She arrives alternatively at a mutual harmoniousness between the superior intelligence that characterizes Grandpa and the unrestrained feelings of Uncle Daniel. The thought and experiencing one, she is the existent owner of the pondering and heavy bosom of the rubric. Merely as she has managed to salve strengths from both extremes, she has suffered from both sides, excessively. She asks no 1 to shout for her, as Uncle Daniel does, and she wastes small commiseration on herself. Grandpa and Uncle Daniel both in their ain ways have been the enemies of love affair in Edna Earle s life, but she has managed to carry through her responsibilities while hanging on to the dream at least of love of measure [ ping ] off with, say, Mr. Springer and pacifying Grandpa by calling the first kid Ponder Springer ( PH 26 ) . Our laughter is assorted with a sort of esteem for Edna Earle when she says, The twenty-four hours I do nt rate a pinch of some sort from a Clanahan, I ll cognize I m past redemption-an old amah ( PH 84 ) . One knows that is exactly what she is, but her ain of all time hopeful attitude will non let one to categorise her this manner. Besides, no simple class like old amah can incorporate all the humanity that Edna Earle is. If love fails her ( and she does surmise that true love is merely a palace in the sky ( PH 50 ) ) , she has the flexibleness to see company as a substitute-or may be she will direct her energies toward a chinchilla farm: Do nt believe about it, Edna Earle, I say. So I merely cut out a small ad about a brochure that you send off for, and put it away in a drawer I forget where ( PH 44 ) . One of the most convincing steps of the high quality of Edna Earle s bosom is her capacity to endure, non merely for ego, but for others excessively. What makes that enduring every bit near to gallantry as the readers are likely to happen in comedy is that it comes from Acts of the Apostless of will, from consciously accepted duty and from rational consciousness of effects. for all his selflessness, Uncle Daniel seems mostly unconscious of the significance of his Acts of the Apostless. Since he places no value on ownerships, his gifts cost him nil. However, because Edna Earle is cognizant of the serious effects of her determination, her willingness to allow Daniel give away all the money that she one twenty-four hours would hold inherited must hold seen as an act of loving bravery. Her prevarication for Daniel at the test is of the same heart. She says: I neer lied in my life before, that, I know of, by either stating or keeping back, but I flatter myself that when the clip came, I was equal to either 1 ( PH 143 ) . She is equal to life s challenges from whichever one-fourth. And she allows herself to be vulnerable to both extremes: her prevarication exposes her non merely to the punishments of bearing false witness from the jurisprudence s rational side, but besides to the possibility of rejection by the feeling Uncle Daniel, who looked at me like he neer saw me before in his life ( PH 120 ) . What greater step of selflessness can at that place be than this: taking the opportunity that in salvaging a loved one you may lose that love? And Edna Earle is equal even to this. In a novel with lightning at the centre, Edna Earle, for all her oversights in perceptual experience, is the enlightened 1. Because Grandpa refused to put in electricity, she learned to read in the dark ( at Uncle Daniel s topographic point she reads for the 1000th clip the imagistically disposed The House of a Thousand Candles ( 54-56 ) ) . Her perennial ticket line Lo and behold , predating her descriptions of assorted unexpected events throws the elucidation that sporadically illuminates her life into contrast with Uncle Daniel s imperceptive lampoon and imagistic inversion of the phrase: Low-in-the-hole . Her penetrations are far-ranging. In her adulthood, she recognizes that Grandpa s outlook of rectifying the infantile Uncle Daniel by consigning him to an refuge is itself child-foolishness ( PH 15, 37 ) . She, non Uncle Daniel, is really the title-holder of a life to the full and freely lived. Whereas Grandpa is suffering without control-of Uncle Daniel or of the heavens-and Uncle Daniel needs the protection of a stiff modus operandi, Edna Earle has learned the self-contradictory power that comes from allowing spell. The Miss Ouida Simpson works that she one time toted yearly to the County Fair competition she now merely leaves entirely ; it still blooms now and so, she says ( PH 10 ) . She has come to a similar attitude towards people: I do nt even seek, myself, to do people happy the manner they should be: they re so obstinate. I merely seek to give them what they think they want. Ask me to make you the most bizarre favor tomorrow and I ll make it. Just do nt come running to me afterwards and inquire how come ( PH 57 ) . When she violates this principle-as, of class, she is bound to as a mutable human-the consequence can be black. Even though Uncle Daniel seems satisfied with his life at the Beulah after Bonnie Dee throws him out, Edna Earle gives into a annoying scruples that says Uncle Daniel is non happy in the right manner. Convincing Daniel to keep back his married woman s allowance, she starts the concatenation of events taking to Bonnie Dee s decease. Unlike Uncle Daniel, nevertheless, when Edna Earle becomes tangled in the unmanageable effects of human Acts of the Apostless, she does non withdraw from battle in life. Possibly the most convincing mark of her enlightenment is her ain impression of her place in relation to the poles of this universe. For illustration, Edna Earle has some penetration into her place between Uncle Daniel and Grandpa. She says: I ve got to acquire out at that place and stand up for both of them ( PH 40 ) . Later, depicting the test, she tells us: When person spoke to Uncle Daniel, I tried to reply for him excessively, if I could. I m the mediator, that s what I am, between my household and the universe ( PH 120 ) . She is besides the life-filled in-between term between the white-clad, beatific Uncle Daniel and the decease figure Gladney with his black coat, buzzard-like visual aspect, and his old bony finger ( PH 134 ) . That Edna Earle is besides secluded to the truth of the happenstance of evident antonyms is seen in her recognition that love itself may look and sound like its really opposite. See her account of Uncle Daniel s message to Bonnie Dee on the twenty-four hours of her decease ( I m traveling to kill you dead, Miss Bonnie Dee, if y do nt take m back ( PH 91 ) ) . Harmonizing to Edna Earle, the words mean nil except love, of class. It s all in a manner of speech production . seting it into words. With some people, it s small menaces. With others, it s apt to be poems ( PH 117 ) . She does non necessitate a big-city linguist to state her that words mean nil separate from context, that the maps are non the district. Edna Earle has besides learned the Concordia discors of fondness and verbal force from her predecessor in harmonising antonyms, Grandma Ponder the gentlest adult female on the face of the Earth , who however peppered her absolutely normal family with menaces of mayhem and slaying ( PH 110-111 ) . In her ain life, Edna Earle demonstrates the truth of her penetration into love s dual nature, in her response to Bonnie Dee. Like all polar combinations, this excessively seems to withstand ground. Throughout her narrative, Edna Earle has directed nil but depreciation toward Bonnie Dee. Yet it is humanly converting when at the terminal of her narrative, she reveals her fancy for her niece-in-law: And you know, Bonnie Dee Peacock, ordinary as she was and test as she was to set up with-she s the sort of individual you do lose. In do nt cognize why-deliver me from giving you the ground ( PH156 ) . Merely when 1 is delivered from ground, do her feelings make sense. For Mr. Springer she can experience the same tenseness between animadversion and fondness. The undermentioned transition, in fact, begins with a response of the head and ends with the bosom: Oh, I did good non to do up my head excessively hurriedly about Ovid Springer. I congratulate myself still on that, every dark of the universe. Mr. Springer would non hold hesitated to melanize Uncle Daniel s name before the universe by driving 65 stat mis through the hot Sun and passing him over a motivation on a Ag platter. Tired going adult male if you like-but when it came to a slaying test, he d come running to be in on it . Of class, he neer had anybody to look after him. ( PH 122 ) . One of the clearest Markss of the functional high quality of Edna Earle s adjustment of the dual poles of her human nature lies in her function as story-teller. Daniel, excessively, is a Teller of narratives, conveying joy to his hearers at the Beulah when he entertained them with the amusing histories about his refuge stay and making a sort of community ritual with his affecting narrative of Bonnie Dee s running off. However, Daniel s job as a originative spirit is his deficiency of self-denial. In story-telling, he feels more intensely than at any other clip. Edna Earle says: I do nt believe he could convey himself to believe the narrative boulder clay he d heard himself state it once more ( PH 51 ) . Fiction-that is, his lived world transmuted by his gift of exaggeration-is more existent than fact for the adult male who has so few ground tackles in daily world. And he experiences his narrative, non as a poet-creator, but as if he were live overing it: it was steadily interrup ting his bosom ( PH 51 ) . Unable to step back from his narrative to accomplish some kind of objectiveness, he can non finish his act of creative activity: as his narrative of suffering approaches the portion about Bonnie Dee s farewell note, he broke down at the pole of feeling, Daniel can non truly stand for the creative person. As emotion without signifier or subject, he is pure poetic potency. Edna Earle is the existent story-teller here, the theoretical account of the originative ego. Capable of experiencing deeply, involved in her narrative, she can yet step back plenty to state the narrative. Daniel can non finish. Surely, her control is non perfect: she creates better and other than she knows. But the book itself, the record of her long narrative, is the artifact certifying her ability to transform enduring into art. Far from being the butt of the comedy in The Ponder Heart, Edna Earle is Welty s amusing presentation of the whole human ego. Speaking of Uncle Daniel s story-telling, Edna Earle exclaims: Well, if holding-forth is the best manner you can maintain alive, so do it if you re non outrageously smart to get down with and do nt hold things to make ( accent added ; PH 70 ) . Feeling ( and making a narrative from those feelings ) , believing, moving. Edna Earle does them all. And her dynamic, switching, experimental combination of the qualities- with no inactive hierarchal ordering-is humanly superior to the stiff control of any one of the extremes. In Welty s universe the flexible bosom of clay will crush the bosom of gold every clip.

Friday, November 22, 2019

An individual pre market entry report. Japan Assignment

An individual pre market entry report. Japan - Assignment Example It is assumed that the company is recently on the plan to make its mark on the Japanese market. The company needs to have knowledge regarding the opportunities the market offers, a sustainable and consistent strategy that will drive the entrant. It is easier to taste success in the market of Japan if the assumptions are not made on false grounds. It is of utmost necessity to analyze the strategies of the already existing competitors effectively. The process of sales and the revenue model should be in line with the Japanese culture and the market. In order to make successful entry into the Japanese market the potential entrants will have to cut out a clear budget control policies and a diversified growth strategy for at least for half a decade. Some brands achieved great success just by making little changes in brand identity and applying some marketing techniques. The consumers of the country likes detailing and so detailed printed materials are essential while setting up the busines s in the country (UK Trade and Investment. 2012). Therefore analysis of brand equity and setting up a corporate image is important to enter the Japanese market as well. Scope of the research The research mainly centres on the parameter of internationalization of Small and Medium Sized enterprises like the Highland Herbs. In evaluating the ability of the firm to gain an international stand in the global market the project tends to focus on a specific country like Japan. Considerable amount of research is rendered in understanding the Japanese market for the products of Highland Herbs through the incorporation of strategic tools like PESTEL and SWOT. Use of such strategic tools helps in enriching the scope of researching whether the Japanese region would amount to become a profitable and revenue generating market for the concern. Aims & Objectives The aim of the research is to identify whether entry into a new foreign market would be viable for a SME. If viable, what conditions will lay down the way towards successful entry and if not then what the constraints are. Limitations The project only considers the company under consideration. In order to enter into a new market a nd avail the opportunities of the market regime it is necessary to analyze the strategies of the competitors. It is certain that the existing competitors enjoy a certain proportion of market share. Therefore to make an entry successful it is necessary to divert the customers towards the new shop. The project does not make any analysis on the competitor’s strategy and this can be a limitation. Methodology Secondary Research The research project in endeavouring to understand the potential of the Japanese region in being an effective market for the Herbal Products produced

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organization theory and structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Organization theory and structure - Essay Example Some factors that influence organizational structure are size, the products, skills and talents found in the organization and most structures will mainly be based on these factors. Different theories have been placed forth about why different organizations have the structures they do. According to Abraham Maslow, organizational structures mainly depend on their needs. In his works he clearly places these needs in a hierarchy system where the satisfaction of one level of needs leads to the organization striving to fulfill the other levels of needs of the organization. These needs, in order of priority are; physiological needs such as food and shelter, safety needs such as safety in the environment, social needs like love and friendship, esteem needs like self respect and status and at the top of the hierarchy is self actualization which is actually reaching one's full potential. A good organizational structure should be one that aids in fulfilling these needs among employees in the organization in order to maximize output. Herzberg insists that intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction while extrinsic factors lead to job dissatisfaction. The structure a nd job environment that is positive creates interactions leading to self-esteem that improves quality of work. He insists that factors such as recognition, responsibility, the work itself makes up for some of the motivators creating job satisfaction. The factors that lead to dissatisfaction are supervision, company policy, salary, relationship with peers and subordinates. It is therefore paramount that the organizational structure supports job satisfaction and reduces incidences of job dissatisfaction. An organization should set up a structure that makes employees feel satisfied with their jobs, so that a job is not a task. Frederick Winslow insists on scientific management. His theory puts forth the idea that management of an organization, which largely depends on the structure, can be scientific. This insinuates that it can be put down to an exact science, where the tried and tested ways after years of observation are sure and true to succeed. The four step process is-develop a sc ience for each element of the individuals work, heartily cooperate with workers so as to ensure all work is done and done properly with no grudges or ill feelings, divide work equally between management and workers instead of the old methods where workers would labor while the management did much lesser work and that management should take the work that it's better suited than the workers in order to have a balanced work environment. A good structure should incorporate some if not all of these in order to reach goals, make workers happy and the management satisfied with the output. All these management theories lead to different organizational structures depending on what works best for the organization. Though some theories put forward have been disputed or declared obsolete, this has not meant that some proposed points are not accommodated and incorporated in the making of organizational structures in today's business world. Some of these include matrix method, flat, centralized o r decentralized structure, tall [traditional] structure] and many more (Learning Management2.com 2008). Small to medium sized organizations mostly have the functional and tall structure. This is where there is a clear

Monday, November 18, 2019

Gas Prices and the Law of Supply and Demand Essay

Gas Prices and the Law of Supply and Demand - Essay Example The fluctuation of oil supply is largely credited to the increasing demands of an increasing world population (Campoy and Russel, 2009). Furthermore, our oil mineral deposits are slowly being depleted; oil minerals are not something which can be manufactured or replaced once used. The next best thing for oil companies and prospectors to do would be to look for new sources of oil. However, this is only a temporary remedy to the oil shortage issue. If alternative sources of energy and fuel would not be found, the prices for oil would continue to rise and the supply for oil would continue to decrease. The price of gas as ruled by the law of supply and demand must be controlled and managed. The consumers have recognized the fact that they would not be able to afford the rising oil prices if they do not conserve their fuel consumption (Campoy and Russel, 2009). In this regard, consumers opted to cut back on their driving and save their fuel consumption for essential use only. As a result, gasoline was able to regain its supply gap and consequently push up the depressed oil prices (Campoy and Russel, 2009). Since the price of oil is very much dependent on the law of supply and demand, there is an element of managerial strategy which will always hover over the determination of oil prices. Such strategy may sometimes be attributed to the practice of hoarding or controlling the amount of oil released to the market. To some degree, this practice has been speculated by various analysts and scholars as the cause of oil price increase with oil companies seeking to gain the most profit from oil (Fessler, 2009). This speculation has not... This essay discusses the field of management in oil product companies. The researcher states that today there are different events which the manager needs to comprehensively understand the market in order to ensure that the company or the organization he is managing would not collapse or fail. These events or processes often dictate the direction of the organization and were discussed in the essay. It id mentioned, that on a larger scale, these processes are affected by, and they also have a great impact on other organizations and even global managerial dynamics. In the article of Ana Campoy and Russel Gold, entitled ‘Gas Demand Edges Higher, Lifting Crude,’ which the researcher analyzed in the essay, the relationship between gas prices and the law of supply and demand are established and discussed in details. This article plays a major role into the authors’ analysis and discussion that was presented in this essay. This essay discusses the different elements of t his article in relation to the managerial principles discussed during the managerial classes attended by the researcher. In conclusion, the researcher gives his opinion on managing ang gives several recommendations as for what managers can do to enhace the success of oil corporations and companies today. It is stated that, in applying strong managerial skills, managing oil prices in accordance with the law of supply and demand, has to be in line with ethical practices, as well as the actual state of our oil supply and demand.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Exploring the Organization Culture within McDonalds

Exploring the Organization Culture within McDonalds McDonalds Here I choose a McDonalds of New Zealand for my assignment. I choose this organization because it is very up growing organization of New Zealand. The biggest reason for choosing this organization is that because I am working here and I know much more about that. A milkshake salesman by the name of Ray Kroc in USA in 1954 received an order from the McDonald brothers hamburger in California. He was fascinated by their operation the menu was simple and cheaper and the hamburgers were good; the fries were made in-store with vegetable oil; and the shakes were thicker than usual. The first restaurant in New Zealand is opened in 1976 in Porirua.   Today there are around 150 McDonald restaurants in New Zealand and McDonalds is serving around 1 million people in one week in New Zealand. 80 percent of McDonald restaurants are franchised by local business men and women who own and operate their restaurants as independent business. McDonalds employees respect their customers and deliver them outstanding quality, service, cleanliness and value (QSCV). Reference: http://mcdonalds.co.nz/about-us/organisation BUSINESS DEMOGRAPHICS McDonalds business model is based on providing regular levels of service and good quality products and quality, service, cleanliness and value is important to all those people who work for McDonalds New Zealand. For a successful business it is very important to fulfill the changing needs of customers. The way people eat and what they eat is changing people are becoming more aware than ever of the importance of health and nutrition, McDonalds offer so many healthy choices to the customers such as salads, deli wraps, fruits weight watchers etc. Customers are also becoming more interested in having information about their food, their production methods etc. McDonalds supply all the information to their customers very easily. Direct communication to customers is very important for McDonalds. Some of the methods McDonalds uses are: Television Advertisements. Brochures, tray mats. McDonalds website (www.mcdonalds.co.nz) Magazine and newspaper advertisements Public relations Internal newsletters Country-specific websites. Reference: SSC (Shift Supervisor Course) Handbook ORGANISATION GOALS McDonalds want to make its relationship deep with customers by providing them great service and experience. There are so many different activities that make a good relation between customers and McDonalds. Mission Statement: McDonalds vision is to be the worlds best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile. (http://www.samples-help.org.uk/mission-statements/mcdonalds-mission-statement.htm) Vision Statement: To be our customers favorite place and way to eat. McDonalds Goals and Objectives: 1. McDonalds vision is to be our customers favorite place and way to eat. 2. McDonalds is committed to maintaining and providing best food and fast service restaurant in market. 3. In order to deliver best and safe food, company has made so many commitments for food safety. 4. McDonalds have an objective to continual enrich and improve their menu. McDonalds time to time bring new items in its menu. This will satisfy their customers and give customers more reason to visit. 5. To be a socially answerable and responsible company. 6. To provide good earnings to its shareholders. 7. To provide its customers with food of a great standard, speedy service and importance for money. Reference: Shift Supervisor Workbook, Managing Shift (2006 McDonalds) Organization Culture and Ethics McDonalds has a vision that includes employees and the surrounding communities. They believe that satisfied employees give best in quality customer service. McDonalds also maintain promise to stakeholders. McDonalds culture is to do the accurate thing for their employees, the community and the customers; this promise is as important to them as serving food. McDonalds also provide support to school and youth programs and the Ronald McDonald house provides support for the comfort of children around the world. A program of conduct and beliefs is helpful to running any business. By encouraging this positive action allover the company they should be clear and include all people involved throughout the company. These policies should have a clear view on how to treat your customers in a respectful manner. Community involvement McDonalds is actively participated in New Zealand communities since 1976. Our restaurants and franchisees play vital roles in their local area, and we take responsibilities seriously to make sure we are a good neighbor and a good corporate citizen wherever we go. Junior sport: soccer and touch rugby McDonalds New Zealand is a long-term sponsor of junior sport in New Zealand, joining with both junior soccer and touch rugby. Our supports help more than 150,000 Kiwi kids active playing sport each weekend. Clean Up New Zealand Week We want to keep New Zealand beautiful thats why every year in September McDonalds participates in the cleanup New Zealand week. Reference: Systems Management, Managing People Practices Training (2007 McDonalds) Management of Knowledge Resources By way of one of the leading companies in the world and attacking every country, there is no doubt that McDonald is the leader in fast food industry. This statement has been proven for so many years and this will not happen if the company did not apply any plans with their capitals and calculating their abilities. The strategy may come in planning in the business setting. The process of developing and maintaining the goals and abilities is reflected to its changing marketing opportunities. Resources and Capabilities of McDonald For the company, the strategy is worried with matching a companys resources and capabilities to the occasions that rise in the outside environment. The growing reputation on the role of resources and capabilities as the basis for strategy may come in to two factors. First, the business where the firm belongs became unbalanced so the internal resources and capabilities of the firm are given more focus in expressing strategies. And second, the mixture of the resources and capabilities of the firm became the higher competitive advantage and profitability. The linking between the resource and capabilities of a firm in the area of business makes a competitive advantage. It is because the capabilities and resources allow the business to create value and gain some form of benefit from the competitors. The capabilities and resources may include the point of business cycle learning of the top of management team; placement of various forecasting resources, and broadcasting of macroeconomic information as well as timely decision making relative to competitor and a supportive organizational culture that supports the firms management activities. By way of concern of knowledge management, McDonalds companies are primarily affecting the McDonalds system. The principle of systematization of knowledge is followed by every outlet with a detailed set of rules. So, the operating practices became part of every employee and given a detailed attention from the management through the training platforms. Reference: Systems Management, Managing People Practices Training (2007 McDonalds) Group Dynamics Actually, Group dynamics is a combined act by two or more people, in which each person contributes with different skills and states his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and productivity of the group in order to achieve common goals. The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved match their contributions and work towards a common goal There is a saying that many hands make light work. The core of this statement is that more can be achieved as a collective than individually. There are several benefits of Group Dynamics. 1. Creativity As we all have different skills, knowledge and personal qualities. By consuming all of these different sides in a team, more ideas can be created. As more ideas are created, more creative solutions are generated, leading to better results. 2. Satisfaction Shortage of job satisfaction is often one of the key things highlighted in surveys of employees. Individuals working together as a team to achieve a common goal are repeatedly developing. As they relate more energy and interest is created. When this energy is utilized, it produces results which positively effects on motivation and leads to even more success. 3. Skills Even the best skilled individual cannot have all of the skills to do everything. Some people best at coming up with the ideas. There are others who can be counted on when it comes to applying and follow through of a plan. The important point is that when a team works together, it has a huge range of skills available that it can utilize to deliver extraordinary results. 4. Speed Suppose that you have a project that needs research, drawing together a plan, financing it, fulfilling it and delivering specific benefits. If one person was owed this task, it could take months and maybe years to make it happen. By splitting up the project, work can move forward in similar and the ultimate goal achieved faster. 5. Sounding board We all have a range of options open to us. If we are trying to number out what is best, we might never move forward. In a team, other team members can act as a sounding board, allowing us to cut through the options and get on with those most likely to achieve the desired goal. 6. Support It is wonderful the amount of friendship that is created in teams, especially when the going gets tough. People will often go to what seems like extreme lengths when they know that they can rely on the support and encouragement of the team. Never miscalculate the significance of this in achieving results. Reference: Systems Management, Improving Operational Efficiency (2007 McDonalds) Meeting Management Board Meetings The Board of Directors sits at least six times a year. Extra meetings are arranged as necessary. The Chairman heads all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Chairman, in discussion with the CEO, establishes an agenda for each meeting. Agendas are set so as to ensure that the Board will be able to fulfill its oversight responsibilities. Directors can at any time suggest the addition of any matters to a meeting agenda or raise for discussion at any meeting any subject that they wish. The Secretary attends all meetings of the Board and records the minutes. The Vice Chairman, Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel also attend meetings of the Board. Restaurant Meetings The McDonalds management team has meetings every week where they reveal over what has occurred since the last meeting and discusses any problems. The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas. This shows the purpose of having the meeting and it is clear McDonald follow this theory. The minutes and agendas are recorded for each meeting and if any managers are absent, they are kept up to date by the Store Manager who also distributes summaries of the meetings to everyone via email. An example: as a short term goal on the Christmas holidays , all staff has been sent memos and have been emailed on the importance of this weeks. The activities and expectations they are holding are made clear for them to set the example. If the communication had not been made clear to all staff from the beginning the communication would not have had an overall staff contribution to the expected success of the promotion. STAKEHOLDERS Each business has stakeholders individuals, organizations or groups that have an interest in the organization and how it operates. Successful companies take into account the needs and supplies of their stakeholders. Most of the Companies commonly accept if their sales are good, then their brand and reputation must be strong. But they dont have a clear understanding of the ethics that drive brand and reputation and actually stand long-term profitability and growth. This leaves companies helpless to dangerous reaction between corporate values, and those of their stakeholders: customers, employees, shareholders, media, government, and community. Even well-known and successful brands and reputations have suffered from this criticism. Every stakeholder applies their personal and professional values to judge the performance of a company. Stakeholders for McDonalds NZ are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Customers à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Franchise holders à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Employees à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Supplier à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Community groups à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Shareholders. Reference: Systems Management, Managing Inventory (2007 McDonalds) Networks McDonalds IT Limited can provide the following services: * Audits * Reviews * Implementation * Consultancy * Design Messaging / Communications Email and instant messaging allows your business to keep in touch with the companies without them you cannot survive. Electronic communications have become an essential part of everyday life whether at work or at home. McDonalds IT supports by enabling cooperative messaging solutions that allows you to send and receive electronic collaborative communications, throughout your computer network and to other customers via the internet. By Microsofts latest email offering, Exchange 2010, McDonalds IT provides the necessary elasticity for secure contact from any user, allowing teams to collaborate and communicate more effectively, regardless of location. McDonalds IT also focuses in email migrations from other email platforms, including Lotus Notes, Exchange 5.5, Exchange 2000, 2003 and Exchange 2007. We have designed and applied one of New Zealands few Unified Messaging solutions. Remote Access Solutions 1. Microsoft ISA and TMG McDonalds IT has applied both ISA 2006 and TMG to our customers. We can modify these products to your requirements, be they web proxy, VPN or email protection. TMG can be scaled up to a Network Load Balanced configuration for an Enterprise client. 2. Microsoft Direct Access By the application of Windows 2008 R2, Windows 7 and IP v6, McDonalds IT can leverage Microsofts User Access Gateway (UAG). This method removes the difficulty that normal VPNs have. It allows continuous access to the corporate LAN regardless of location. Standout Features File sharing supports public and shared folders with permissions Free Drop box iPhone/ iPod Touch app available Can sync across multiple computers Syncs Windows, Mac and Linux computer Unlimited undo available Reference: Systems Management, Transition to Systems management (2007 McDonalds) Conclusion According to the findings, we came up with the conclusion that due to the different background and culture of the stay members and managers, language becomes a barrier as far as communication is concerned. Because most employees are from different culture and they are new in this work might hesitate to talk to the manager about their problems. In the meetings, employees are always asked by the managers are they satisfied with their jobs and with the environment of Mc Donalds, which will ultimately motivate them to satisfy the needs of their customers as well. Indian and Chinese staff member hesitates a lot because English is not there first language. We find that the level of satisfaction depends on the quality of service a customer receives. In this restaurant, both men and women deal with the customers because they are trained well before they join the staff. While dealing with different customers of different background they have to communicate accurately to satisfy the customers needs. In this family restaurant every staff member communicates well with the customers to fulfill the customers needs. They speak well in English. References http://mcdonalds.co.nz/about-us/organisation SSC (Shift Supervisor Course) Handbook Shift Supervisor Workbook, Managing Shift (2006 McDonalds) Systems Management, Managing People Practices Training (2007 McDonalds) Systems Management, Managing People Practices Training (2007 McDonalds) Systems Management, Improving Operational Efficiency (2007 McDonalds) Systems Management, Managing Inventory (2007 McDonalds) Systems Management, Transition to Systems management (2007 McDonalds)